The Star of Lakshmi is used in Hinduism to symbolize Ashtalakshmi, the eight forms of wealth
Eight types of wealth (Ashta Lakshmi)
'LAKSHMI' is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. Wealth is a vital ingredient bestowed upon us for maintenance and progress in our life. It is much more than having just money
There are eight types of wealth :
2) Dhana Lakshmi : (Money Lakshmi)is the aspect of material wealth
3) Dhanya Lakshmi : (Grain Lakshmi) manifests as wealth in the form of food/ agricultural wealth.
4) Gaja Lakshmi : (Elephant Lakshmi) giver of animal wealth such as cattle or power / royalty.
5) Santana Lakshmi : (Progeny Lakshmi) manifests as wealth in the form of offsprings and creativity.
6) Veera/ Dhairya Lakshmi (Valour Lakshmi/ Courage Lakshmi) wealth in the form of courage ; the goddess who bestows valour during battles and also strength for overcoming difficulties in life.
7) Jaya/ Vijaya Lakshmi: (Victory Lakshmi) the aspect that manifests as victory; the goddess and the giver of victory, not only in battles but also for conquering hurdles in order to achieve success
8)Vidya Lakshmi : (Knowledge Lakshmi) is the aspect of knowledge of arts and sciences, skill and talents
In some Ashta Lakshmi lists, other forms of Lakshmi are included,
Aishwarya Lakshmi (Prosperity Lakshmi) : Goddess of riches
Saubhagya Lakshmi (Giver of good Fortune) : Giver of prosperity in general.
Rajya Lakshmi (Royal Lakshmi): She who blesses rulers (with power)..also extent of many people one knows..
Vara Lakshmi (Boon Lakshmi): The goddess who bestows boons
This was on the eight types of wealth which not everyone is familiar about..
We all talk about gender bias and try to uphold the position of women in society...We also talk about cast and creed and try to bridge the gap between various religious sects of society..
But rarely do we talk about the unfair and ugly divide between the rich and poor...
I would say "some people are so poor as all they have is money..."
Often people who are high on Dhan Lakshmi or Money Lakshmi think they have conquered the world...they are so rude and unjust in their behavior with the economically downtrodden....
Many rich people have Dhan Lakshmi but they do not have Dhanya Lakshmi so they are diabetic or have a liver or heart issue for example and cannot have their favorite food freely..
Some are devoid of Santaan Lakshmi so do not have any progenies..
Some may lack strength, valour, spiritual wealth, patience, or may be devoid of talents or a good social life ..which means they are lacking some form of Lakshmi in their life ..
No wonder in India, atleast, often we find that depression and insomnia is common in rich households whereas people in the villages are relatively happy and get a good night's sleep after the day's hard work.
It is said that Goddess Lakshmi sits on the lotus flower amidst water and so is 'chanchal' or transient in nature...but Goddess Saraswati or the Goddess of learning sits on a rock, so wisdom once established doesn't leave a person easily !
Coming back to the wealth divide in society, I have always stood up for the rights of poor people ... I have never liked affluent people behaving rudely with their monetarily less fortunate staff...
No wonder nowadays in India it is becoming increasingly more difficult to procure and sustain household helps as finally the poor are getting some dignity for their labour. They have substantially increased their wages so that they have the freedom of working on daily basis and resting on the labour free days...
I urge everyone to please treat the economically backward masses with great respect as they would treat their own socio economic strata individuals.
This would not only instill more confidence in the money wise poor people but also help to bridge the gap between rich and poor ...moreover it would give a sense of satisfaction too to the cash rich people of society...and probably help themselves to maintain and expedite their own economic growth...
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