Sunday, 29 January 2012


 Long back when I thought of describing myself in words, the following thoughts came to mind.

I like to dwell in the 'Self',
Am proud to be an Indian,
Love to see life as a dream,
Dream to see a smile on every face,
Perfection loves the Virgo in me,
Nature enchants me,
Divinity astounds me,
Convention bores me,
Versatility attracts me,
Patience tests me,
Mystery intrigues me,
Spherical thinking motivates me,
Creativity enhances me,
Music is like worship,
Truth inspires me,
Spirituality sustains me,
and my friends and family, especially my husband fulfill my life!

At this juncture, I would like to introduce my husband, AMIT, the biggest pivotal force and my eternal sunshine. He is my God and Guruji's biggest blessing in my life .He is my cool-headed calm and composed cheerful and full of life best friend!! 

Saturday, 28 January 2012


A new dawn. A new hope.
A new change. A new trend.
A new sunrise. A new vision
Its a new beginning
Altogether my friend..

The birds are chirping
The winds are whistling
The flowers are blooming
With such a natural ease
The sun is bright and smiling
There is happiness in the mountains and trees
The oceans seem to well up
With joy for reasons unknown
The angels are dancing in the heavens
The seeds of love are sown..

The darkness seems to disappear
Giving way to luminous light
Knowledge has awoken from its slumber
Wrong has perished before the right!
Human values are on a roll
Time has enough taken its toll
World peace shall now prevail
Spirituality shall come out from it's golden veil ! :)))

Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.


penned down on Vasant Panchami - Jaunary 28th 2012